Earn $BNB by hodling $BabyShiba
4% of every transaction is taken and redistributed to all $BabyShiba holders in $BNB. Accumulate $BNB by hodling the $BabyShiba Token!

Automatic Liquidity Pool
4% of every transaction contributes toward automatically generating further liquidity on Pancake Swap. Benefiting long term for $BabyShiba holders the most!

RFI Static Rewards
2% of every transaction is taken and re distributed to all $BabyShiba holders. The burn address is also a holder thus each transaction helps deflate the supply.

Inbuilt Anti-Whale Mechanism
Transaction (Sell/Buy) that trade more than 0.1% of the total supply will be rejected.
Whales who make transfer (between 2 wallets) that is larger than 0.1% of the total supply will be charged 1BNB which will further be donated to Charities

Highly Secured
All Initial Liquidity Provided will be locked with Unicrypt. The contract is Trustless for $BabyShiba community. We will release the audit reports shortly as they are under progress.

Built for the Community
$BabyShiba is a community driven token built on Binance Chain. PCS Launch price will see atleast 10% uplift and introduction of transaction fee’s .